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Emigrant Searching Immigrant Identification Form (on-line) Immigrant Identification Form (mail)

Kontaktforum Emigrant Identification Project

Emigrant Database

ISSN 2152-223X (partial)


Kontaktforum is collecting information about those who left Hadeland for the US, Canada, and elsewhere during the 1800's and early 1900's.  Information submitted by individuals is cross-referenced/verified against any church or other records that may exist.  Members who have not done so are encouraged to complete an Immigrant Identification Form and submit it to the project.


The database is a summary of the over 11,000 emigrants who have already been identified. Each entry references a more detailed form available to members in the Limited Access Archive.  The form contains additional known information about the emigrant: emigration information including dates, ships, etc.; where they settled and/or other residences; occupation; all known children (with birth/marriage/death information and children); additional family members. Most include information about the immigrant's parents.  Our genealogists will be happy to provide members with the immigrant ancestor's detailed forms with an English translation upon request.  Just email!


The database is maintained in Norwegian. Dates are in DDMMYYYY format. A few basic words and abbreviations are translated below.

Database as of 15 May 2018


Take a look at Kontaktforum's Emigrant Database!

(opens in a new window)

Use your browser's search function to locate an emigrant on the database list.

If you know your emigrant's birthdate (DD.MM.YYYY), this may be the most direct way to locate him/her. 

Common words/abbreviations
døpt (dpt) - baptism (indicates birthdate listed may be baptismal date)
født (f.) born fra - from før - before i - in
nordre (n.) - north og - and østre (ø.) - east på - on
reiste samtidig - traveled at the same time se over - see above sondre (s.) - south vestre (v.) - west
The suffix "eiet" indicates a tenant's place on a larger farm (i.e., Alm (farm)/Almseiet (tenant's place on the Alm farm)
When people left Norway for America, they had to register their departure with the church.  Emigration dates may have been taken from the udflyttede (church register of those leaving the parish).
Identifies the relationship between the primary person on the form and others found on the same form
adoptivdtr - adoptive datter barn - child barnebarn - grandchild bestefar - grandfather
bestemor - grandmother birthes far - birth father bror - brother datter (dtr.)- daughter
datterdatter - daughter's daughter dattersønn - daughter's son deres datter - their daughter deres sønn - their son
far - father faren's bror - father's brother faren's søster - father's sister ektemann - husband
enkemann - widower fremtidig hustru - future wife fremtidig mann - future husband gift-married
halvbrør - half brother halvsøster - half sister hennes sønn - her son hustru - wife (2 hustru-second wife, etc.
kommende hustru - future wife mann - man (future husband) mor - mother moras bror - mother's brother
moras søster - mother's sister morens bror - mother's brother morens søster  - mother's sister mormor - grandmother
nevø = nephew niese - niece oldebarn - great grandchild onkel - uncle
pleiesønn - foster son pleiedatter - foster daughter sønn - son søskenbarn - cousin
søster - sister stemor - stepmother stesønn - stepson svigerdatter - daughter-in-law
svigerfar - father-in-law svigerinne - sister-in-law svigersønn - son-lin-law svoger - brother-in-law
tante-aunt tvilling - twin vordene - pregnant  
Sample translations
Emigrant, Relationship, Birthplace Birthdate Form#
Anders Olsen, f. på Gunstadeiet i Jevnaker  15.01.1825 464
Kari Pedersdtr., hustru, f. Kraggerudseiet i Lunner 15.09.1822 464
Petrine Andersdtr., datter, f. Hensrudeiet i Jevnaker 11.12.1851 464
Johanne Pedersdtr., Karis søster, f. Vangseiet i Jevnaker 09.11.1825 464
Johannes Andersen, ektemann, f. Haga i Jevnaker 23.11.1822 464
Anders Olsen is the first name associated with form 464; he is the primary individual.
Anders Olsen, born on a tenant place on the Gunstad farm in Jevnaker; birthdate Jan 15, 1825; KHA form 464
Kari Pedersdtr, Anders' wife, born on a tenant place on the Kraggerud farm in Lunner; birthdate Sept 15, 1822; KHA form 464
Petrine Andersdtr, Anders and Kari's daughter, born on a tenant place on the Hensrud farm in Jevnaker; birthdate Dec 11, 1851;  KHA form 464
Johanne Pedersdtr, Kari's sister, born on a tenant place on the Vang farm in Jevnaker; birthdate Nov 9, 1825; KHA form 464
Johannes Andersen, husband (Johanne), born on the Haga farm in Jevnaker; birthdate Nov 23, 1822; KHA form 464



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Last update: May 16, 2018